Sustainable science is a wonderful concept. Here in Russia, unfortunately we do not have such disciplines, and they add a lot to the discussion.
This work was supported by a generous gift from Italy’s Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea to the Sustainability Science Program at Harvard University. We are grateful to Carl Folke and his colleagues in Stockholm for generously hosting a week of exchanges about the scope and content of this work early in its genesis; to Wyatt Hurt for research assistance; to Arun Agrawal, Anthony Bebbington, Christian Binz, Terry Chapin, Adam Clark, Ruth DeFries, Bipashyee Ghosh, Rebecca Henderson, Michele Lamont, Larissa de Lima, Pamela Matson, Kira Matus, Ronald Mitchell, Nadav Orian Peer, Noelle Selin, Afreen Siddiqi, Billie Turner II, John Schellnhuber, and Arild Underdal for their critical reviews of early drafts; to Yuka Estrada (Annual Reviews) and Emma Li Johansson (Lilustrations) for their inspired improvements to our original figures; to Annual Reviews for permission to reproduce those figures; to Nora O’Neil and Anni Clark for editorial assistance; and to the extraordinary Harvard University Library for the unstinting support of its people and systems as we pursued the literatures of sustainability science.